Friday, March 26, 2010

Progress report:
Down 15 pounds since January - easier than I imagined! (I realize that’s probably not what anyone wants to hear. People want to believe that making major changes in their lives is a difficult thing - gives them an excuse to abandon the project before anything actually happens.) My plan of action was simple enough: eat oatmeal or low fat granola every morning for breakfast to address the high cholesterol issue, then cut lunch and dinner down by half (If it doesn’t fit on a salad plate it’s too much food.), being careful of the salt and fat content. Looks like it’s working!

Another change I made to my routine: including an hour a day of yoga. Twice a week I join friends at the Senior Center for instruction - on other days I use a dvd to guide my workout. Firming up as I’m getting svelte! It’s become such a part of my day that I’ve decided to take teacher training in August - focusing on helping seniors and other physically challenged folks find the benefits of stretching out those creaky bones and stiff muscles. Should be quite the adventure for this gal who was never the physical fitness type herself.

If you want to try my granola recipe, here it is:
Combine 4 cups of gluten-free rolled oats with 1/2 cup each sunflower seeds, chopped walnuts and almonds, toasted sesame and flax seed. Add 2 teaspoons of vanilla and 1 teaspoon each ground ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon to 1/3 cup canola oil and 1/2 cup of honey. Mix everything together thoroughly. Divide between two cookie sheets. Toast in 300 degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring frequently until golden brown (burns easily so check it every ten minutes). When cool mix in a cup of raisins and dried fruit of your choice - and/or chocolate chips! Yum. Store in an air tight container. Great with soy milk or sprinkled over some tasty yogurt.